Community Knowledge in Utilizing Herbal Plants for Overcoming Dental Pain

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Poetry Oktanauli
Pinka Taher
Margaretha Herawati
Azyyati Patricia Zikir
Ratih Widyastuti
Rini Triani


Background: Dental pain can be treated with analgesic medication. Patients who visit the dentist are generally prescribed analgesic drugs. Therefore, analgesics become therapy when patients experience pain. However, herbal plants are currently also widely used by the community to treat dental pain. This is because herbal plants have proven to be quite effective in treating various diseases.

Purpose: To know how the level of knowledge of the community in utilizing herbal plants to treat dental pain.

Methods: This type of research is descriptive with a cross sectional research design. This research was conducted from August to September 2022. The study population was the community in South Tangerang who filled out the questionnaire. Determination of the number of subjects is determined by the total sample, with snowball method.

Conclusion: This research reveals that not all community are aware of the various types of herbal plants that can be used to treat dental pain.

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How to Cite
Poetry Oktanauli, Pinka Taher, Margaretha Herawati, Zikir, A. P., Ratih Widyastuti, & Rini Triani. (2023). Community Knowledge in Utilizing Herbal Plants for Overcoming Dental Pain. International Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research Studies, 3(9), 1825–1830.


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